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I had a ton of fun playing this. It's not too punishing if you fall back to the bottom as you can still definitely get back up to where you were. Great game :D


Awesome concept, great execution! Controls were too slipper and not enough air control for me, so I didn't end up finishing - but brilliant work!


Super nice! Love spider games 😎


Really cool game and interesting. The art and music are both great too. Great job!


Awesome awesome game, perfectly balanced, as it should be x)
great art, the design mechanics are really well done, congrats !

(1 edit) (+5)

I enjoyed this greatly.


I'm glad you enjoyed it! Also nice lol!

(1 edit) (+4)

I'm declaring my 54 sec speed run the first world record. Fun little game, tons of potential.

Edit: I got 46 sec and there's a ton of room for improvement.

I challenge other people to try to beat it fast.


Mad respect! I wanted to add in a score depending on time and leftover web, then create a leaderboard for that score but sadly ran out of time. Another challenge you can do is see how much leftover web you have when you beat it. My best was 335


I'll give it a shot, on my speed runs I only used the single blocks so I'm guessing I can get a pretty good score ;)



Starting on "Play" and ending when "You Win" pops up on screen.

You absolute legend!


Very cool concept! The mechanics are fluid, and the artwork is very cute and minimal. A lot of thought was put into this, and I will come back to play more


Glad you enjoyed it! I appreciate the kind words!